تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
Format options
CSV downloadExports results in CSV that can be imported back into the current webform.Delimited textExports results as delimited text file.HTML TableExports results as an HTML table.JSON documentsExports results as JSON documents.YAML documentsExports results as YAML documents.
If checked, all entity references will use the entity's UUID
This is the delimiter used in the CSV/TSV file when downloading webform results. Using tabs in the export is the most reliable method for preserving non-latin characters. You may want to change this to another character depending on the program with which you anticipate importing results.
If checked, the generated file's carriage returns will be compatible with Excel and a marker flagging the data as UTF-8 will be added at the beginning.
If checked, the download file extension will be change from .html to .xls.
Used to create unique file names for exported submissions.
Used to create unique file names for exported submissions.
Element options
The delimiter used when an element has multiple values.
Header options
Column header format
Choose whether to show the element label or element key in each column header.
Select menu, radio buttons, and checkboxes options
Options single value format
Elements that collect a single option value include select menus, radios, and buttons.
Options multiple values format
Elements that collect multiple option values include multi-select, checkboxes, and toggles.
Options item format
Entity reference options
Entity reference format
The selected columns will be included in the export.
العنوان الاسم Date type/Element type
Serial number serial integer
Submission ID sid integer
Submission UUID uuid uuid
Submission URI uri string
الإنشاء created created
Completed completed timestamp
تم التغير changed changed
Is draft in_draft boolean
Current page current_page string
Remote IP address remote_addr string
Submitted by uid entity_reference
اللغة langcode language
Webform webform_id entity_reference
Submitted to: Entity type entity_type string
Submitted to: Entity ID entity_id string
مقفل locked boolean
مثبت sticky boolean
Notes notes string_long
اسم الطالب asm_altalb textfield
الرقم القومى alrqm_alqwmy number
تاريخ الميلاد tarykh_almylad date
جهة الميلاد jht_almylad textfield
رقم الهاتف الشخصى rqm_alhatf_alshkhsy textfield
رقم هاتف ولى الأمر rqm_hatf_bdyl_ textfield
البريد الالكترونى albryd_alalktrwny_ textfield
المحافظة almhafzt select
تخصص الثانوية العامة almwhl_aldrasy select
عام الحصول عليه _am_alhswl_lyh_ select
المجموع الاعتبارى almjmw_ala_tbary textfield
اختيار الكلية alrghbt_alawly select
صورة المؤهل swrt_almwhl_ webform_image_file
صورة ايصال سداد المصروفات الادارية swrt_aysal_sdad_almsrwfat_aladaryt webform_image_file
رقم ايصال سداد المصروفات الادارية rqm_aysal_alsdad textfield
اقرار بان جميع البيانات المرسلة صحيحة aqrar_ban_jmy_albyanat_almrslt_shyht_ checkbox
Download options
If checked, the export file will be automatically download to your local machine. If unchecked, the export file will be displayed as plain text within your browser.
If checked, the exported file and any submission file uploads will be download in the archive file.
Order submissions by ascending (oldest first) or descending (newest first).
If checked, only starred/flagged submissions will be downloaded. If unchecked, all submissions will downloaded.
Archive options
Select the archive file type for submission file uploads and generated documents.


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